Corot’s paintings are usually signed in his large and simple all-uppercase signature.
Jean-Baptiste-Camillle Corot (1796-1875) is known for having a signature that was easy for forgers to replicate. Not only did Corot have a short surname, but he signed in very simple capital letters "COROT".
At times Corot did include a date after or below his surname. There are also cases where Corot signed "C Corot" for Camille Corot.
Many Corot paintings are presented in intricate gold frames with custom nameplate that restate the artist's name and the year.
Corot signed his names in a variety of colors, often an earthy umber or orange.
Signature is rarely sufficient for authenticating a painting, signatures must be checked, but results must be carefully placed in the correct context. A signature is only one element, and not a determining one, in the process of authentication.
Corot signed the following paintings on the lower left.
Paturages à l'aurore, Limousin. 1845-1850. oil on canvas.
Ville-d'Avray—L'étang vu à travers la feuillée. Painted in 1865-1870.
VILLE-D'AVRAY, L'éTANG à L'ARBRE PENCHé. Painted circa1860-1870. Oil on panel.
The remaing paintings bear the signature on the lower right.
Semur, le chemin de l'Eglise. Painted circa 1855-1860 and 1872-1873.
Marino, Italie - trois personnages au sommet des rochers. Painted circa 1826-1827. oil on canvas. Signed with a studio stamp.
Corot Experts can determine if your drawing or painting bears an authentic Corot signature. Please contact us for more information.
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